Bingo Drinking Game

Let Rick be your virtual travel buddy with this fun bingo game! Compete with friends and family (together or remotely over video chat). To play:

  1. Print out the set of four bingo cards or use the interactive bingo cards below.
  2. Fire up your favorite episode of Rick Steves' Europe (all 100+ episodes streaming for free at or on YouTube).
  3. Mark, click, or tap the boxes as they occur in the episode. (Winner chooses the next show!)

Bingo Drinking Game Rules Ideas

This Tuesday, September 29 Joe Biden and Donald Trump will face off in the first presidential debate of the election in Cleveland, hosted by Fox News host Chris Wallace. Here is a drinking game / bingo card to get you through it. Combining all of the best things: booze, bingo, and everyone's favorite fandoms. Tired of that same old drinking game? Drink once if you see this.Drink twice if you see this.Bleh! Grab some friends, some drinks, and some of these printable bingo. At the start of Bingo, select how many number cards you'd like to play. Playing more bingo cards will increase your bets and your chance to win big! Next, select how many numbers you'd like to extract; this is the number of bingo numbers that will be randomly selected during the game.

To access the set of four different bingo cards:

Bingo Drinking Game
  • Download and print the Bingo Card PDF, or
  • Use interactive Bingo Card #1 (below), Bingo Card #2, Bingo Card #3, and Bingo Card #4.
Bingo drinking game rules
Alternative fun: The Rick Steves' Europe Drinking Game

Turn a serious Rick Steves travel episode into a travel party: Forget about marking the boxes and just use the bingo cards to make it a drinking game! (The drink could be a favorite from the country you're watching…or not.)

© Sergio Flores/Getty A debate viewer fills out a bingo card at a watch party for the final presidential debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden on October 22, 2020, in San Antonio, Texas. Many Americans will likely stay up late for the election results on November 3, 2020,—and may play drinking games as they watch the results roll in.

Election Day may be upon us, but many Americans may already be coming up with plans for another important event—election night. Millions of Americans are sure to stay up late tonight watching the votes come in, and whether they're celebrating or commiserating, there's a lot that can be done to make what could be a tense evening more enjoyable.

Americans over the legal drinking age may choose to (responsibly) play a drinking game as they watch the election coverage tonight, to make light of what may be a very stressful few hours. Considering the 2020 election is taking place in 'unprecedented times,' there are plenty of buzzwords to keep an ear out for—and to drink to—from 'pandemic' to 'Supreme Court.'

Final Presidential Debate 2020: Best Trump-Biden Reactions, Jokes And Memes
Bingo Drinking Game

Get creative and come up with your own drinking games and bingo cards, or look below for some inspiration to responsibly enjoy election night 2020.

Election Night Bingo Drinking Game

Vine Pair has come up with a bingo card to play while watching the election coverage as the results come in. Grab a beer, wine, or something stronger, play along, and drink every time someone mentions 'climate change,' 'Ukraine,' or 'Florida.'

Follow the bingo card from your phone or laptop, or print out Vine Pair's bingo card to tick off the boxes as you play along. Get creative with how you play your board—maybe take a sip when you tick off a square or take a shot when you complete a row or column, for example.

Unprecedented Election Night Drinking Game

Rather than simply taking a drink when a buzzword is mentioned, Our Community Now has come up with a slightly more complex drinking game for an unprecedented election night that sees viewers take anything from one sip to pouring a whole new drink, depending on what happens on the night.

Hear the words 'too close to call' or 'unprecedented times'? Take one sip. If a commentator plays around with a big touchscreen of the U.S. or solves theoretical math problems with projected electoral votes, take two sips, and finish your drink if the phrase 'hanging chads' is mentioned.

Bingo Drinking Game Rules

When should you skip all of the above and go straight to pouring yourself a whole other drink? If Kanye West wins.

Election Night Mustache Drinking Game

Bingo Drinking Game With Playing Cards

Alternatively, if you're looking for a more visual, comical kind of game, Twitter users discussed adapting the mustache movie drinking game for election night. This drinking game sees viewers tape a paper mustache to the TV screen and drink every time it lines up with somebody's face—perhaps a more lighthearted drinking game to help ease the tension as the results roll in.