Pineapple Poker

Best Starting Hands Crazy Pineapple Poker

What are the best starting hands in poker Crazy Pineapple Poker? This question is not as easy to answer as in Texas Hold’em, where AA, KK and QQ are the strongest hole cards.
In Texas Hold’em there are “only” 169 different starting hands from the 52 x 51 / 2 = 1326 possible combinations of hole cards. The starting hands can be simplified, because it does not matter whether you hold the ace of hearts and the king of hearts or “Anna Kournikova” in spades or clubs: these cards are all equivalent. Thus, there are 13 pairs in Texas Hold’em, 78 suited hole cards and 78 off-suited hole cards. These come in different frequencies in the ratio 6:4:12 (pairs:suited:offsuited). So it is more likely to get two aces than a certain suited combination such as AK. But back to Crazy Pineapple Poker.

Starting Hands in Crazy Pineapple Poker

In Crazy Pineapple Poker, there are a total of 10 times more (1755) possible starting hands. It is not as easy to create a chart with the top 20% of starting hands, as this would include over 350 hands.
But we found at least some raw data, which can be helpful for beginners in the Texas Hold’em variant Crazy Pineapple Poker. The data comes from the user Phat Mack from the 2 +2 poker forum. He has run 100,000 simulations to identify the best starting hands. He limited these to heads-up and he used the variant Lazy Pineapple Poker (where in contrast to Crazy Pineapple no hole card must be mucked after the flop). This reduces and simplifies the calculations considerably. Overall, the results can be accurately transferred to the game of Crazy Pineapple Poker. The results can also be transferred to shorthanded and even at full ring tables, however you should keep in mind that similar to Texas Hold’em suited connectors will gain in strength.
The top 50 starting hands in Crazy Pineapple Poker are:

The top 51 to 250 hands, which approximately covers the top 15% of the best starting hands in Crazy Pineapple, can be downloaded here together with the above table as a PDF file.
The strongest starting hands in Crazy Pineapple Poker are thus two aces combined with a high card in the same color of one of the aces. Some poker players might wonder why ace-ace-ten and ace-ace-five are the two strongest starting hands with a heads-up equity (probability of winning) of 75 percent. The explanation is simple: One way to beat two aces is holding a straight. A straight contains imperatively a ten or a five. If you now have two aces with a ten or five, then you are “blocking” one card that an oppenent needs to make a straight. Therefore, the equity of these two hands is slighlty higher than the expected favorite Ace-Ace-King.

Pineapple Open Face Chinese poker (POFC) — For a maximum of three players. Each player is dealt five cards to start. Instead of being dealt one at a time players are dealt three cards at a time. Learn what cards you should discard in crazy pineapple poker in this free video series that will show you how to master this poker variation in no time. Crazy Pineapple allows players more options to play, which makes the game more interesting than Texas Hold em. Once you master Crazy Pineapple, you have mastered all Hold em games. The difference between Pineapple Poker and Crazy Pineapple lies in the point in the game in which you make your one-card discard.

Best starting hands Crazy Pineapple Poker

Simplyfied, the following are the best groups of starting hands in Crazy Pineapple:

  1. Ace-Ace and a suited high card
  2. Ace-Ace and a high card offsuited
  3. King-King and a suited high card
  4. King-King and a high card offsuited
  5. Queen-Queen and a suited high card
  6. Queen-Queen and a high card offsuited
  7. Jack-Jack, and a high card suited
  8. Jack-Jack, and a high card offsuited
  9. Ten-Ten and a high card that is either higher or suited
  10. Nine-Nine and a high card that is either higher or suited
  11. Eight-eight and one high card that is higher and suited
  12. An ace and two high card, which are reasonably high, and one of them is the color of the Asses

Pineapple Poker Android

Since Crazy Pineapple Poker is a lesser-known plays and variant as Texas Hold’em, the game level is not very high. Simple strategies and the limitation on good starting hands (though the use of starting hands of only the above table would be too tight) will allow you to make good profits in Crazy Pineapple Poker.

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OBJECTIVE OF PINEAPPLE: Form the best hand with hole cards and community cards to win the pot at the final showdown.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 3-8 players

NUMBER OF CARDS: 52-card deck

RANK OF CARDS: A (high), K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2


TYPE OF GAME: Casino/Gambling



Pineapple is a poker variant with similarities to Texas Hold’Emand Omaha Poker. However, players in Pineapple start with three hold cards as opposed to two cards. This is typically a game that is played in people’s homes- NOT in the casino. However, it can be found on online venues with a variety of limits. It is typically played as a limit poker game, but it can be easily transformed into a no-limit of pot-limit structured game.

Pineapple Poker


The set-up of Pineapple follows the Texas Hold’Em structure exactly, except players receive three cards as opposed to two. This is followed by a pre-flop betting round, betting begins with the player sitting to the left of the dealer.

Reminder, as in Texas Hold’Em, players must put out the blinds. The player directly to the left of the dealer is the small blind and the player to their left is the big blind. Both these players must place a bet before they receive any cards.

Before the flop is dealt, players must discard one hole card. After, the flop, the turn, and the river betting rounds proceed in the same exact manner as Texas Hold’Em.

Pineapple Poker App

During betting, players may fold, call, or raise:

  • Fold – The action of surrendering your cards to the dealer and sitting out the hand. If one folds their cards in the first round of betting, they lose no money.
  • Call – The action of matching the table bet, which is the most recent bet that has been placed on the table.
  • Raise – The action of doubling the amount of the most recent bet.

The player with the highest ranking hand after the last round of betting (after the river) wins the full pot. To learn about how poker hands rank, click here.


Crazy Pineapple

Crazy Pineapple is played almost identically to normal Pineapple, but players keep their first cards for the pre-flop and flop betting rounds.

Players discard one card before the turn.

Lazy Pineapple

Lazy Pineapple or Tahoe Pineapple bears the name because players do not have to discard until the betting is all done, before the showdown.

Pineapple Poker



Any of the following forms of Pineapple, including the traditional one, can be played Hi-Lo 8 or better. Hi-Lo games split the pot between the highest ranking and the lowest ranking hands.